A Better Week

It’s been a busy week, with one thing or another, I am still trying to keep up with the small jobs that need doing and keep getting overlooked, at the same time, Marcela is shouting at me to rest, because my knees are playing up again, personally I think a change in the weather hasContinue reading “A Better Week”

Taking it Easy!

Today has been a leisurely day, well at least I took things slower. With the Father-in-law taking the dogs for their morning stroll, I was able to go back to bed, eventually getting up at 7.30am. After breakfast, the Father-in-law and myself went down town, I was trying to buy a new bolt for theContinue reading “Taking it Easy!”

Copacabana, Antioquia, Colombia

Normally you don\’t see me write much about the town, because to be honest in the last four years, there has been nothing to be proud about, it was dirty, unkept, and other than the friendly people, didn\’t have much going for it. However this morning I went to do my shopping, and over theContinue reading “Copacabana, Antioquia, Colombia”

Christmas is Coming

We have been waiting for confirmation of our new washing machine, but had heard nothing, so I gave the job to Marcela of chasing it up, thank goodness I did, because she was given the run around, in the end it turns out that the Store is just the shop window for the manufacturers, andContinue reading “Christmas is Coming”

Christmas has arrived in Colombia!

I forgot to say in my last Post, that I had been back to the Optician, they are now saying that my frame was too big!!! I decided to give the varifocals one last try, so had to choose another frame, strange how the woman kept coming out with the most expensive options… No luck,Continue reading “Christmas has arrived in Colombia!”

Armed and Dangerous!

This week-end has gone fast, I only hope the week goes as quickly!… I was a little surprised the other day when Marcela came out with \”…I think when we get our Finca, we should have a gun…\” Not that it had not gone through my mind but, it had passed out the other side.Continue reading “Armed and Dangerous!”