Armed and Dangerous!

This week-end has gone fast, I only hope the week goes as quickly!…

I was a little surprised the other day when Marcela came out with \”…I think when we get our Finca, we should have a gun…\” Not that it had not gone through my mind but, it had passed out the other side. Yes, I have used firearms in the past, more so shotguns, than pistols, but we will have to see, I have looked up the regulations, and I would be able to have one for self defence, you can either be licensed to just have it at home for protection, which is what we would do, or you can apply to carry, covertly. You have to have a physical and psychological medical, and also pass a test on gun law, which would probably be my sticking point, however as in all things Colombian, Marcela says that she knows how to circumvent that. You have to apply to the Military for the gun, and they \’loan\’ you the pistol or shotgun and up to 100 rounds of ammo, if I needed that much, I would be thinking about moving!!

This is all a long way off yet, and any decision I made on that would depend on where we buy, and the National situation at the time. I already have a Casco extending baton, and I know how to use that, as I was trained and licensed in it\’s use whilst in the Police, however here, you can buy them anywhere.

It is early days yet, but the Peace Talks are not looking as hopeful as they were, FARC have had their Publicity, and are now making unrealistic demands, let us hope that they change there tune, once the main talks get under-way in Cuba on November 15th.

I was further enlightened yesterday, on driving regulations here, I thought that if you were a non driver, and applied to take official lessons, that you took your test at the end of your course… Not a bit of it! My sister-in-law is a non driver, she starts a course of ten lessons tomorrow, which will take her two and a half weeks, and then she is given her Driving Licence, as long as she has not crashed the car!! It is no wonder Countries do not accept the licenses of some others in exchange, when you move.

On Friday, we went into Medellin, and bought our first Christmas decorations…No we have not put them up, they are in the storeroom waiting, if I had my way, they would go up Christmas Eve, and come down Boxing Day, but I won\’t so… These are one commodity that are not cheap here, so we will buy a few more next month, then add to them each year.

I am going this week sometime, to apply for a credit card, it seems a strange thing to say at the age of 54 years, but I have had to wait six months to build up a credit rating, in the mean time, I have been using my UK credit card, when needed, and just using a local Debit card for shopping. I will probably spend an hour in the queue, only to be told that things have changed, and I now have to wait twelve months!

Oh well, that\’s it for now, time for some reading…

Published by Phil Sale

I moved to Colombia from Spain in 2012, and I am happily married to a Colombiana.

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