
The Time has Come.

Firstly, just by way of an update, we have finally signed the contract of sale for our house in Bello, it won’t be a quick process, as the Buyers need a mortgage, which may take up to three months to pay out, but at least if they change their mind, we will receive financial compensation.…


Upset in more ways than one! but we’ll get to that in a minute. Yesterday we were supposed to be meeting up with a potential Buyer for our Bello property, but first thing in the morning he cancelled, as we were already in the process of getting ready, we decided to still have our morning…

What a Week!

Let’s start with home news, the telephone and Whatsapp have been red hot this week, asking for appointments to view the house in Bello, along with offers. We had reduced the price by $10million COP (approx £2000), but a couple decided to gazump another couple who had made an offer, and took the price back…

Getting Back in the Swing

Life has been ticking over… because we had been away, and because of all the rain, the garden has been, not neglected, but allowed to become, one with nature! After a long dry spell, I had not cut the grass for some time, because in places it was just brown and burnt, I had been…

Bogota and Bust!

I didn’t say anything before we went on our trip for Security reasons, and since everything was OK on our return, I guess that played out. On Sunday morning the Kids went into Kennels, Tito seemed quite happy, jumping up into their van and sitting alongside the Driver, Nala not so much, but at least…

Give Me Strength

What a hectic few days, last week the Veterinary Dermatologist asked Marcela to get ultrasounds done on Tito before we next saw her, so last Monday I took Tito, and he had his ultrasound, they found many things wrong with him, but nothing that explained his skin problem. He has gastritis, colitis, a weak heart,…

Time to do a bit!

You have to laugh, well I do, or I would pull my remaining hair out! Every time I go to the Doctor for a Blood Pressure checkup, he gives me a set of recommendations, one of which is to eat no more than one piece of fruit a day. I have to admit to not…

All work…But not Me!

Last week the Estate Agent came to check the details we had supplied and to take more photos to supplement those we had supplied, to give him his due, he was the only Company that bothered to come out and look, he also took some drone photos, which is different to most companies here. So…

Busy Week

We took Tito to see the Veterinary Dermatologist, and she found an anomaly, his skin was ‘dry’, yet it was covered in a fluid, and the interior of his ears were very inflamed, and yet they were very clean, all signs, she told me of an allergy. She has taken skin scrapes, and blood samples…

Preparing Ourselves!

I have been cussing my decisions this week, my Cell phone hasn’t stopped beeping, as I receive messages about the tools I have for sale, I have sold quite a few, a number were multiple purchases, so a bit of discount was given, but at least I am recouping a better share of the cost,…


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